Be it being a doctor, a lawyer, or a web designer, pretty much every profession has its own language or collection of phrases that persons working in that industry use on a daily basis. Here is a collection of common terms and what they actually mean- You do not have to keep being confused!
404 Error
This error page will show up to let you know if a page is broken or not there when you try to access it. It commonly occurs when a user accesses a removed page or types the URL incorrectly.
The portion of a website that is hidden and inaccessible to users is known as the back-end. Just like a restaurant and its kitchen. The backend is the process of the food being prepared to be served-You will never see that!
The portion of the website that the users views and interacts with. Just like the example of the restaurant and its kitchen, the food being served and brought to you to enjoy becomes the front end.
Backlinks are links to your website from other websites. Your search engine results might improve significantly the more backlinks you receive from high-ranking websites. Example
Call to action
It’s a term used to describe particular messages, graphics, banners, or buttons that persuade website visitors to execute planned, expected actions. Some straightforward examples are “Click here” and “Buy now.”
Domain Name
It refers to the website’s name that users enter into a browser to access it. Teamalfy’s domain name is teamalfy.com
Landing Page
Any website page that a user can access or “land” on is referred to as a landing page. Frequently, a unique landing page is created for a particular business objective (usually in connection with an advertising or marketing campaign)
Uniform Resource Locator. The address identifies the location of a website on the Internet.
Hope this helped you understand the world of web design!
Teamalfy is an award winning web design agency based in Accra and London. We build websites, mobile apps, desktop software and SaaS Applications. Teamalfy is noted for delivering cutting edge designs for our clients. Teamalfy’s services include UI/UX prototyping, user flows, project management, search engine optimization, Tech support and web design.