Top 3 common mistakes people make in tech

I am sure you are wondering where I am going with this because there are still some people that truly believe experience first is the true teacher. I would like to rephrase that phrase to this -other people’s experiences is the best teacher.

The tech industry is the hottest thing now but before that, so was being a pilot. Times blow away and so is the direction of people needs in this world. Why don’t you place yourself in a position where no matter where the wind blows you can blow along with it?
The tech industry is too big and broad to be making too many big mistakes, especially early in your journey. Every human being has a path but why don’t you recognize the experienced walking the same path as you and learn? Which brings me to the first mistake people tend to make is thinking they actually know what it is like because they have acquired certificates here and there to prove their knowledge base. The mistake you do not want to make especially when starting is not getting a mentor and actually seeking guidance. Since there is a lot to do and learn, you need to know if what you are learning is correlated to the path you have chosen. And trust me I know how it can get confusing!! Always tell yourself especially on the onset that you do not know anything. Because you see how condescending one gets when filled with knowledge. Get a mentor and first be guided so you now can guide someone else.

The other mistake you do not want to make is to think you can do everything. Even being general at everything, you still have to ask yourself- being general at what? Actual success is determined by how much the one thing you are very good at, people seek you for and actually get their money’s worth! Do not attempt to do it all- Data analysis, project management, UI/UX design, system testing, cloud computing. That is actually a whole tech company you are trying to put in one person! Don’t be caught up with what is hot and find a field you actually love and enjoy. Trust me, it is very easy to hate your job. The real talent is turning that into your career and those two things can never be the same.

With Teamalfy, you would want to work with and experience us because,
1. We specialize in building complex projects and beautiful user interfaces with stunning UI/UX design.
2. We are small and agile and flexible; our aim is to build a relationship with our clients
3. We will give you daily project updates
4. We give free support for all our projects
5. We support your business to grow
Teamalfy is an award winning web design agency based in Accra and London. We build websites, mobile apps, desktop software and SaaS Applications. Teamalfy is noted for delivering cutting edge designs for our clients. Teamalfy’s services include UI/UX prototyping, user flows, project management, search engine optimization, Tech support and web design.

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